Monday, November 24, 2008

jeans jeans everywhere...

I went jeans shopping with a couple of friends yesterday (apparently, there is such a thing as jeans shopping).

for me, jeans are jeans, I wear then and not care much about what they look like apart from the color.

So it turns out that the jeans I wear on a regular basis lack style, actually, quoting my friend here "your jeans don't even have a style"

We go to Guess showroom and she picks out 3 jeans for me to try on. Apart from jeans looking 'different' (that's the only word I can think off to describe them), I didn't really see how they were any better then my currently owned jeans.

So I tried one on and showed it to my friends, both remarked that I looked much better, one oohed & ahhed; I still couldn't really figure out what the big deal was, but was told that since I wear crappy jeans, I wouldn't really know what good jeans are.

I looked at the price and said "are you kidding me... these jeans are $98", my friend replied "at least they are not $120, which I thought they would be" (mind boggling response, considering I've never spent more than $30-$40)

In the end of that day, I saw the subtle difference between jeans. Didn't buy them then, sometime in the near future.

So the next day, i.e. today, I was having lunch w/ friends (diff from the jeans group) and told them about my jeans episode. When we were standing in line, I started NOTICING other people's jeans, I groaned!! and said to my friends... "wtf, I'm looking at other people's jeans... no more talking about jeans"

aargh... hopefully, this is a temporary condition...

feel sooooo old...

I went to lunch w/ my colleagues... all in their mid 30s and above... they talked about the people/messages and the nuances of facebook. Since I don't have a facebook account yet (feels like societal pressure, everybody has it), I couldn't contribute to it.

One of my colleagues then said, and I paraphrase here...
'this guy is the youngest in our team and he doesn't have facebook account, he probably reads a "wall street journal", & smokes a pipe.'

another colleague added
'probably has a twead jacket in his car, and sips scotch'

I laughed out loud, and then added, 'wow, you guys are pretty damn close'

then said to myself, "crap, these guys are pretty damn close" :)

DUK -- google english -> hindi translator

DUK-- Short for "Did u Know", will try to incorporate this abbreviation into new stuff I find very interesting.

so there is a english to hindi translator by google. pretty cool,
check it out

not exact but good enough :)

akal badi yaa bhainse

when growing up, the phrase denoted in the title, was used quite frequently to prove some random point, (translation: which is bigger, your mind, or a buffalo),

how the hell one came up w/ comparing these two entities is beyond me.

at that time, everybody always said that akal (mind) is bigger...

but now, if one thinks more about it, one can argue, that technically, bhainse (buffalo) is bigger, just from the sheer size.

but a friend of mind had an even more compelling argument, bhainse also has a mind, so ofcourse bhainse is bigger :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What is RSS?

RSS is rashtriya swayamsevak... one of the best/most important (pfftt).....

let's try this again :)

RSS is a way to keep track of updates of a blog/news in one source.


say you have many friends with blogs...

aren't you tired of going to their blog website, just to check whether they have updated it or not?

If so, then via using RSS, you can aggregate all of your friend's blogs into one place & will never have to go to their blog website ever again.

either google rss setup, or go to google reader , click here if you want to integrate rss w/facebook

easier to link to other people's explanation of rss, but if it still doesn't make sense, let me know, it's a really cool toy and makes life simpler.

the 'ambitious' title...

chuckled when I thought of it, trying to find relevance of why I have it as my title...

I am extremely self-centered to claim that whatever I write in my blog is "history in the making", even though technically, after I publish this, it is in the past... therefore, history...(shrug)


the fact the Obama is the current president, whose presidency is "history in the making" is my inspiration.

if you know me well enough, then u know which one I lean towards...

for those who don't know me... it's option 1 :)