Friday, December 26, 2008


I was in India earlier this month on vacation... came back a few days ago. Apart from attending the wedding and being lambasted w/ a single statement which gradually became a unified theme, I spent a great deal of time 'alligatoring'.

Now, I am not sure if this is a popular word in India, certainly not here. The free dictionary, which was the first google result, states 'The formation of cracks on the surface of paint layers'. Definitely not something I did in India.

First heard it from my cousin, my sense is that it means 'lying down, doing nothing important'. For example, I spent a great time alligatoring, and watching cricket and checking out random music videos.

Correct me if I am wrong, but it's catchy; it definitely has a nice ring to it. I'll try using it on a regular basis. So if I use the word and you didn't know what it means, I'll chuck something at you :)