Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ice Hockey Live

I went to see the Ducks (Anaheim) play the Kings (Los Angeles) with Alpha & Pi.

I've never seen a hockey game, not even on TV, so it was my very first experience w/ hockey, and the best part was, watching it live.

It was Ducks home game, therefore, most were Ducks fan. But, since the opposition was LA (pretty close to Anaheim), I also saw quite a few Los Angeles fans wearing their respective Kings jersey.

Out seats were a bit in the back & Pi wasn't happy with the location. She already planned out where we shall sit next time.
Personally, as long as I could see the puck, which was semi-visual with the pace of the game and our seats, I was happy.

The first question I asked Alpha & Pi when we sat down, 'who are you guys rooting for?', their response was 'obviously Ducks, you?'. That got me thinking, I live in LA County, but work in OC. And these guys are all rooting for Ducks, so I went with.. bingo!! 'The Kings'. Both stared me with the wtf look :)

The Kings scored first... I jumped off my chair with delight... looked at my friends, and asked if anybody wanted to give me hi-five. No takers. When the Ducks scored, my friends hollered, gave each other hi-fives. Alpha wanted a hi-five, and I did. When the score was tied at one point, I got tense, and my friends laughed heartily looking at me :)

During the game, I saw many people move around to get better seats; and for a brief moment, we got a group of teenagers behind our us. One of them yelled "ducks suck", "ducks suck"; another yelled "quack", "quack". I looked at my buddies and started laughing. They weren't too amused at that time.

When the kings scored to go 2-up. I looked at my group with a smile, and hi-fived the Kings supporters around us. The game rocked!! My team won!! what else can I ask for.

Conclusion: Quack Quack

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