Thursday, February 12, 2009

College student for couple of hours

I was staring at a piece of code yesterday at work, wondering how my techie forefathers worked with a convoluted platform called COM.

Got sick of it and IMed a buddy on gtalk, hoping that either:
A) The coding problem would either solve itself (fat chance)
B) Come back in a few minutes, with a different perspective.

While texting, my buddy 'alpha' told me that he's taking a macro econ class at a local community college (CC). My first reaction, "how cool is that"... and I started looking into econ classes at a CC nearby, hoping it's not too late for me to do the same. Then 'alpha' told me that if interested, why not join him, since today is the first day of the class. I was like, 'why not'. He told me to meet him about 15 minutes before class. By the way... this was all happening about 2 hours before class.

While a few random thoughts came to me while driving to class such as "what in the world would I gain from taking an econ class?" I told myself that let's just attend the first class to see how it is.

When I got to the CC about 40 minutes before class (I guess I was excited), I started looking for parking... and it went downhill from there...

There was a huge line and the traffic wasn't moving, people coming in and out from parking lots, people waiting in every row of parking hoping somebody got out.

While waiting... my under-grad parking nightmares came back, moving from parking lot to parking lot hoping somebody leaves, waiting in line because one guy is moving extreeeeeemely slow, the hours I spend looking for parking... oh the inhumanity!!!

The fact that my biggest pet-peeve is looking for parking didn't help the situation.

So, after spending 40 minutes looking for parking, and moving less than a mile, I told myself, I am not doing this for the rest of the quarter; Up yours CC!!! and I drove away.

So much for being spontaneous. Oh well.

Just to be daring, spend all my time driving and yapping with a buddy 'theta' (illegal to talk on phone and drive unless u have a headset)

P.S. Same day, a buddy 'epsilon' told me I would be a great stand up comedian... go fig.... guess that's a topic for some other day.

1 comment:

Lady Aquarius said...

Interesting blog... say the least!!!